Ean8, Ean13,Bookland,ISBN,ISMN,ISSN

EAN is Europeing Article Numbering system ( Called JAN in JAPAN, only first digits is different), this is European version of UPC.Uses some size requirements and encoding scheme as UPC.

EAN-8 encoding only 8 digits, consist two country code, five data digits and one checksum.

EAN-13 is European version of UPC-A, the difference between EAN-13 and UPC-A is that EAN-13 encodes 13th numberinto parity patteren of the left six numbers of a UPC symbol.This 13th digit, combined with 12th digit, usually represent country code.

EAN-8 and EAN-13 can contain two or five supplemental digits appended on right side from main symbol. This is used for publications, books or periodicals.

EAN-13 is used world-wide for marking retail goods.
EAN bar code numbers are assigned to specific products and manufacturers by an organization called ICOF located in Brussels, Belgium, Tel.011-32-2218-7674

ISBN and Bookland is equal to EAN-13, only first three digits is 978. Supplemental digits begins with digit 5.
ISSN begins with 977
ISMN begings with 979
EAN 13
EAN 128
JAN 13

Ean 14 (DUN-14)

EAN-14 numbers are 14 digits numbers which are used to identify some traded units. The system has been in use for a number of years in Europe and North America. The numbers may be bar coded as either ITF-14 or EAN-128 symbols.
EAN-14 numbers were formerly know as DUN-14 (Distribution Unit Number). They comprise a 13 digit article number with a single digit prefix, which is 0 in the UK. In some countries the first digit is a "logistical variant" in the range 1 - 8. The first digit may also be used as a variable measure traded unit in which case it is 9.

EAN-14 numbers should not appear on consumer units.
EAN-14 numbers may be produced from EAN-13 or UPC symbols by right justifying the EAN-13 or UPC value as filling remaining characters with 0 or the required single digit prefix. The check digit is recalculated, although in the UK (where the first digit is 0) the check digit is not changed.