Text functions (40) |
Contain | Test, if first string occur in second string. |
AnsiCompareStr | AnsiCompareStr compares strings based on the current Windows locale and is case sensitive. |
AnsiCompareText | AnsiCompareText compares strings based on the current Windows locale and is not case sensitive. |
Concat | Concat concatenates two or more strings into one. |
Copy | Copy returns a substring of a string. |
Delete | Delete removes a substring from a s string. |
Insert | Insert inserts a substring into a string beginning at a specified point. |
Replace | Replace searches for specific text and replaces it with new text. |
Length | Length returns the number of characters used in a string. |
Pos | Pos returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. |
StringOfChar | StringOfChar returns a string with the specified number of characters. |
LowerCase | LowerCase converts an ASCII string to lowercase. |
UpperCase | UpperCase returns a string in uppercase. |
AnsiLowerCase | AnsiLowerCase converts the given string to lower case. |
AnsiUpperCase | AnsiLowerCase converts the given string to upper case. |
Trim | Trim trims a string of leading and trailing spaces and control characters. |
trimleft | TrimLeft trims string of leading spaces and control characters. |
TrimRight | TrimRight trims string of trailing spaces and control characters. |
PosWithError | Search a text in the another text with mistakes and faults |
StringAnywhere | Search a text in all fields of the table |
AnsiStringAnywhere | Search a text in all fields of the table also with diacritical |
CompareStr | CompareStr compares strings case sensitively. |
CompareText | CompareText compares strings by ordinal value and is not case sensitive. |
QuotedStr | QuotedStr returns the quoted version of a string. |
AnsiQuotedStr | AnsiQuotedStr returns the quoted version of a string. |
AnsiExtractQuotedStr | AnsiExtractQuotedStr converts a quoted string into an unquoted string. |
AnsiPos | AnsiPos locates the position of a substring within a string. |
Before | Returns the text situated in front of specific note. |
After | Returns the text situated behind specific note. |
StringLeft | Returns the text in a definite length left. |
StringRight | Returns the text in a definite length forward. |
Chr | Chr returns the character for a specified ASCII value. |
Ord | Ord returns the ordinal value of an ordinal-type expression. |
DelChars | Delete definite expressions from the text. |
Center | Centring the text for definite number of chars. |
MatchStrings | Compares a texts with using ? and * |
WordCount | Counting, how many words contains the text. |
GetWord | Returns the word according to definite order. |
CapitalizeFirstLetter | Changes the first letter of everyone word to uppercase, and the rest to lowercase. |
SoundLike | Compares, if is same in english the sounds of two words. |
Numeric functions(30) |
Abs | Abs returns an absolute value. |
Frac | Frac returns the fractional part of a real number. |
Trunc | Trunc truncates a real number to an integer. |
Round | Round returns the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. |
Hi | Hi returns the high-order byte of X as an unsigned value. |
Int | Int returns the integer part of a real number. |
Ln | Ln returns the natural log of a real expression. |
Lo | Lo returns the low order Byte of argument X. |
Odd | Odd returns True if argument is an odd number. |
Random | Random generates random numbers within a specified range. |
Sqr | Sqr returns X squared |
Sqrt | Sqrt returns the square root of X. |
Min | Min returns a minimum value of arguments |
Max | Max returns a maximum value of arguments |
Exp | Exp returns the exponential of X. |
PI | Pi returns 3.1415926535897932385. |
LNPX1 | LnXP1 returns the natural log of (X+1) |
Log10 | Log10 calculates log base 10. |
Log2 | Log2 calculates log base 2. |
LogN | LogN calculates log base N. |
IntPower | IntPower calculates Base to the power of Exponent. |
Power | Power raises Base to any power. |
Mantissa | Mantissa separates the Mantissa of X |
Exponent | Exponent separates the Exponents of X |
LDExp | Ldexp calculates X * (2P) |
Ceil | Ceil rounds variables up. |
Floor | Floor rounds variables down. |
Sign | if X>0 returns 1, if X=0 return 0, else returns -1. |
Faktorial | Returns N*(N-1)*(N-2)* ...*2*1 |
Permutation | Returns number of combinations of N over K. |
Date & Time(24) |
Date | Date gets the current date. |
DayOfWeek | DayOfWeek returns the day of the week for a specified date. |
EncodeDate | EncodeDate returns a TDateTime type for a specified Year, Month, and Day. |
EncodeTime | EncodeTime returns a TDateTime type for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec. |
FormatDateTime | FormatDateTime formats a date-and-time value. |
Year | Year returns a Year for a specified DateTime |
Month | Month returns a Month for a specified DateTime |
Day | Day returns a Day for a specified DateTime |
Week | Week returns a Week number from beginning of the Year for a specified DateTime |
Century | Century returns a century for a specified DateTime |
MonthName | Returns a month in roman type for a specified date |
MonthNameLong | Returns full name of the month for a specified date |
DayName | Returns short name of the day for a specified date |
DayNameLong | Returns full name of the day for a specified date |
Time | Time returns the current time. |
Now | Now returns the current date and time. |
IncMonth | IncMonth returns a date shifted by a specified number of months. |
IncDays | IncMonth returns a date shifted by a specified number of days. |
IsLeapYear | IsLeapYear indicates whether a specified year is a leap year. |
DaysInMonth | Returns number of the days in the month by a specified date. |
DaysBetween | Returns number of a days between two dates. |
Hour | Returns a hour (00-23) for a specified time. |
Minute | Returns a minuts (00-59) for a specified time. |
Second | Returns a seconds (00-59) for a specified time. |
Goniometric & Geometric(23) |
Sin | Sin returns the sine of the angle in radians. |
Cos | Cos calculates the cosine of an angle. |
Tan | Tan returns the tangent of X. |
CoTan | Cotan calculates the cotangent of an angle. |
ArcSin | ArcSin calculates the inverse sine of the given number. |
ArcCos | ArcCos calculates the inverse cosine of the given number. |
ArcTan | ArcTan calculates the arctangent of the given number. |
ArcTan2 | ArcTan2 calculates the arctangent angle and quadrant of the given number. |
Hypot | Hypot calculates the length of the hypotenuse. |
DegToRad | DegToRad returns the value of a degree measurement expressed in radians. |
RadToDeg | RadToDeg converts radians to degrees. |
GradToRad | GradToRad converts grad measurements to radians. |
RadToGrad | RadToGrad converts radians to grads. |
CycleToRad | CycleToRad converts an angle measurement from cycles to radians. |
RadToCycle | RadToCycle converts radians to cycles. |
CosH | Cosh calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an angle. |
SinH | Sinh returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle. |
TanH | Tanh returns the hyperbolic tangent of X. |
ArcCosH | ArcCosh calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the given number. |
ArcSinH | ArcSinh calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of the given number. |
ArcTanH | ArcTanh calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the given number. |
CircleO | Returns circumference of a circle. |
CircleP | Returns content of a circle. |
Financial functions(10) |
DoubleDecliningBalance | DoubleDecliningBalance calculates the depreciation of an asset using the double-declining balance method. |
FutureValue | FutureValue calculates the future value of an investment. |
InterestPayment | InterestPayment calculates the interest portion of a loan payment. |
InterestRate | InterestRate returns the interest rate required to increase PresentValue to FutureValue. |
NumberOfPeriods | NumberOfPeriods returns the number of payment periods for an investment. |
Payment | Payment calculates a fully amortized payment. |
PeriodPayment | PeriodPayment returns the principal amount from a full payment. |
PresentValue | PresentValue calculates the present value of an investment. |
SLNDepreciation | SLNDepreciation returns the straight-line depreciation allowance of an asset. |
SYDDepreciation | SYDDepreciation calculates depreciation for an asset. |
Converter functions(24) |
String | Conversion to string |
Integer | Conversion to integer |
Boolean | Conversion to boolean |
Real | Conversion to real number |
NumberToSpell | Transfers whole number in to the texts form. |
DateTimeToStr | DateTimeToStr converts a variable of type TDateTime to a string. |
DateTimeToString | DateTimeToString converts a variable to a string using the specified Format. |
DateToStr | DateToStr converts a variable of type TDateTime to a formatted string. |
FloatToStr | FloatToStr converts a floating point value to a string. |
CurrToStr | CurrToStr converts a currency variable to a string. |
FormatFloat | FormatFloat formats a floating point value. |
IntToHex | IntToHex returns the hex representation of an integer. |
StrToDate | StrToDate converts a string to a date format. |
StrToDateTime | StrToDateTime converts a string into TDateTime format. |
StrToFloat | StrToFloat converts given string to a floating-point value. |
StrToCurr | StrToCurr converts a floating point number to a currency value. |
StrToInt | StrToInt converts a string representing an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. |
StrToTime | StrToTime converts a string to a time value. |
IntToStr | IntToStr converts an integer to a string. |
FloatToStrF | FloatToStrF converts a floating point value to a string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits. |
CurrToStrF | CurrToStrF converts a currency variable to a string of a specified format. |
FormatCurr | FormatCurr formats a currency value. |
TimeToStr | TimeToStr returns a string from a TDateTime variable. |
DecToRoman | Converts integer value to Roman representation. |
Functions with files(18) |
ChangeFileExt | ChangeFileExt changes the file extension. |
ExpandFileName | ExpandFileName returns the full path of Filename. |
ExtractFileDir | ExtractFileDir extracts the drive and directory parts from FileName. |
ExtractFileExt | ExtractFileExt returns the extension portions of FileName. |
ExtractFileName | ExtractFileName extracts the name and extension parts of FileName. |
ExtractFilePath | ExtractFilePath returns the drive and directory portions of FileName. |
ExtractFileDrive | ExtractFileDrive returns the drive portion from FileName. |
ExpandUNCFileName | ExpandUNCFileName returns the full path of FileName with the network drive portion in UNC format. |
ExtractRelativePath | ExtractRelativePath returns a relative path name, relative to a specific base directory. |
FileAge | FileAge returns the date-and-time stamp of the specified file. |
FileExists | FileExists tests if FileName exists. |
GetFileSize | FileSize returns the size of a file in bytes or the number of records in a record file. |
FileSearch | FileSearch searchs a specified DOS path for a file. |
DiskFree | DiskFree returns the number of free bytes on a specified drive. |
DiskSize | DiskSize returns the size, in bytes, of the specified drive. |
AnsiCompareFileName | AnsiCompareFileName compares file names based on the current locale. |
AnsiLowerCaseFileName | AnsiLowerCaseFileName converts a file name to lower case. |
AnsiUpperCaseFileName | AnsiUpperCaseFileName converts a file name to upper case. |