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Mode property

See also Example

Applies to
TpsPDF417 class

Mode: psPDF417Mode;

Specify PDF417 encoding mode. The name given to one of three data compaction algorithms in PDF417: Text, Numeric and Byte Compaction modes. These modes efficiently map 8-bit data bytes into PDF417 codewords.
PDF417 limits too.

Available values :
 psPDF417Alphanumeric - allows encoding all printable ASCII characters
 psPDF417Binary - allow encoding all 256 international characters, full ASCII set, bytes from 0 to 255.
 psPDF417BinaryHex - Same as psPDF417Binary, but characters is stored in
Barcode property as  hexa values - for example Ean.Barcode:='0A1F304F' - PSOFT added mode for easier set full ASCII value into Barcode string property.
 psPDF417Numeric - only digits can be encoded.