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AutoCheckDigit property

See also

Applies to
TCustomEan component

AutoCheckDigit: Boolean;


If it is set on True then a check number is added to some of code types automatically. In some of the code types, this number is always added without any regard to this setting. If  it is set on False then a check number is not added. The check number increases the reading security, if it is possible to add it, we recommend this.

 Look also at  
procedure TEan.BarcodeComplete.

Optional usage with these   code types:

With these code types a
check number/character is always added:
 all variants Ean (Ean 8, Ean 13, UPC, JAN, ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, aslo with 2 or 5 additional numbers)
 PDF417 - this has very complicated system of check numbers which always have to exist.