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TLastPaintError type

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TLastPaintError = (erOK, erMustBe, erErrorInBarCode, erCharOutOfSet, erSmallPaintBox, erOutOfSecurityBox, erBarcodeLengthInvalid, erFirstCharMustBeZero, erCharMustBeSpace, erCountCharMustBeEven, erEmptyCode);

Used by LastPaintError property and LastPaintErrorText method. Set in CheckBarcode method and in PaintBarcode procedure.

 erOK - v poriadku

 erMustBe - used in older versions, now replaced by erCharMustBeSpace and erFirstCharMustBeZero

 erErrorInBarCode - unused now

 erCharOutOfSet - char isn't presented in
charset for actual barcode type

 erSmallPaintBox - paint rect width is smaller as min.width

 erOutOfSecurityBox - if Security property is set to True and paint rect width is smaller as min.width

 erBarcodeLengthInvalid - invalid barcode length (for example Ean8 must have 7 or 8 digits)

 erFirstCharMustBeZero - for ITF14 must be first char equal 0

 erCharMustBeSpace - for
Ean family barcodes must be 9th or 14th character space (separator between basic code and 2 or 5 digits add-on)

 erCountCharMustBeEven - ITF14 or 2/5 Interleaved digits count must be Even. If no, please add as first digit 0.

 erEmptyCode  -
Barcode property is empty.