- Index
Directives -
Some of the following directives switch on the components usage, specially for AceReporter, Report Builder and similar.
If you wish to use these components, a relevant line must be included in the file If you change the file you have to save the file and to reload the dpk file.
Available directives :
{$define PSOFT_BARCODE_DB} - enables to install a database component version (TDBEan,TQrDBEan,...)
{$define PSOFT_JPEG} - enables to export a bar code into jpeg format. The TEan method Save AsJPG(M:TfileName) is available.
{$define PSOFT_QREPORT} - also installs components for Quick report
{$define PSOFT_DEMO} - this directive, if it is set, changes Barcode Library to a trial mode. If you possess only Barcode Library trial version, do not delete this line .
{$define PSOFT_PRAGNAAN} - installs components for Pragnaan Quick report export filters
{$define PSOFT_PDF417} - installs possibility to use the PDF 417 code. In the case you do not use this type of code, we recommend you to delete this line because the PDF 417 code contains relatively many tables which are taken to the final exe file this way and so they enlarge its size .
If you can change some settings of Barcode library :
Edit file
Close all another files
Open EanX.dpk (where X is Delphi version) and press Compile or Install button.
If you use in some older project some barcode component, some problem can be here, because some properties can be now removed. If your Delphi display some error message about lost properties, press Ignore all.