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Barcode library lite
Barcode library lite

Barcode library lite - same as Barcode library - full version, but support only for EAN family barcodes
TBarcodeReaderW component for Delphi
TBarcodeReaderW component for Delphi

TBarcodeReaderW component for Delphi3-Delphi2006 for reading barcodes from serial port
Barcode library
Barcode library

Set of Delphi components for design and print barcode. Support for direct print, QuickReport™, Report Builder™, ACE Reporter™
Barcode printer
Barcode printer

Simple application for printing barcode on labels.

FormEdit library
FormEdit library

FormEdit library is set of Delphi components for creating end user visual form editors, report editors. Contain more improved standard Delphi components - TpsLabel, TpsShape, TpsImage, TpsSlider, lists and combos for selecting color, brush, font, pen, language, system icon...

All for programmer WYSIWYG editors !
Barcode ActiveX
Barcode ActiveX

ActiveX control for design and print barcode from MS AccessMS™, Word™ , MS PowerPoint™ C++, C++ Builder, Visual C++
Eval library
Eval library

Set of Delphi components for runtime evaluation - math parser. Nice end user visual interface, formula, exprresion design like MS Excel formulas.
Labels for Windows
Labels for Windows

WYSIWYG label editor, primary for printing labels with barcodes.
Delphi cards component
Delphi cards component

Component for displaying playing cards

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©2006 PSoft, Slovensko. V�etky pr�va vyhraden�.

Borland™, Delphi™, C++ Builder™ s� obchodn� znacky Borland Software Corporation.
Microsoft™, Windows™, Windows NT™, Internet Explorer™ s� obchodn� znacky Microsoft Corporation.
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