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CaptionUpper, CaptionBottom, CaptionHuman
Captions are text fields place above or/and bellow barcode image. CaptionHuman is painted in botoom part of barcode are as your text you encoded value.
Captions you can use for easy insert one or more line text, CaptionUpper and CaptionBottom you can use, barcode is readable with or without these captions.
CaptionHuman is for linear ot postal symbologies recommended, because if barcode is damaged or for another reason unreadable, user still can use eyes na type manually :-)
For stacked or matrix symbologies disable CaptionHuman, because these symbologies are HIGH capacity, mens print CaptionHuman for example 2 thousand chars in legth in problem ...
You can use also feature AutoCaption for dynamic change caption text, usable for ISBN/ISMN/ISSN symbologies or for GS1 specification. |
Declaration :
TpsBarcodeCaption = class(TPersistent)
property Visible : Boolean Default True;
property Text : TStringList;
property Font : TFont;
property AutoSize : Boolean Default True;
property Alignment : TAlignment Default taCenter;
property AutoCaption : Boolean Default False;
property MaxHeight : Integer Default 25;
property ParentFont : Boolean Default True;
property LineSpacing : Integer Default 0;
property BgColor : TColor Default clNone;
Description :
- property Visible enable/disable visible of caption, property Text must be noempty too.
- property Text is string displayed in top/bottom/human readable area. Human readable text can't be changed, used id value to encode (form TpsBarcode.Barcode).
Text can be multiline, use same font, you can only change Align and LineSpacing.
- property Font
is Font used for draw selected Caption
- property AutoSize
if is set to True before drawing Caption is changed value Font.Size to stretch caption to full width of barcode image.
- property Alignment
is one from value [taLeftJustify, taCenter, taRightJustify] for align text in needed position. If AutoSize=True this value isn't used.
- property AutoCaption
In CaptionUpper text can be changed automatic, form value to encode, but only if AutoCaption=True, and can be :
- derivated from TpsBarcode.Barcode for symbologies bcISBN, bcISMN, bcISSN.
- equal to TpsBarcode.Barcode for all another symbologies
- property MaxHeight is value from 0 to 100 in % used for max. height of Caption, if Text is AutoSize=True and Text isn't long, this means Caption height is for example 90% of height all barcode image ... Property MaxHeight solve this problem.
- property ParentFont if True TpsBarcode.Font is used, TCaption.Font selected here is ignored
- property LineSpacing - value in % of line width, spcae between two lines. This feature help yopu make caption vertically more "compacted"....
Captions in Delphi Object Inspector
TpsBarcodeCaption in design editor
DblClick on barcode or click button in Object inspector
Examples |
CaptionUpper.Align=taLeft CaptionBottom.Align=taCenter |
CaptionUpper.Align=taRight CaptionBottom.Align=taCenter |
CaptionUpper.AutoSize=True |
CaptionUpper.AutoSize=Falsemeans CaptionUpper.Font.Size is used
Working with Font |
Working with Font |