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Barcode studio- 1. How I can use Code128 A,B, or C ?
- BarcodeSymbology := bcCode128 only.
TpsBarcodeComponent analyze TpsBarcodeComponent.Barcode property value and automatic optimize for best veraion A,B or C, or when mixed data switch versions dynamically in position where is this needed.
For more information please look to psBarcodeComp.pas, method TpsBarcodeComponent.Code128 ...
Examples :
Input data | Encoded as : |
1234567890 | StartC, and encode as data pairs 12, 23, 56, 78, 90 |
12345 | StartC, encode as pairs 12, 34 , than switch to CodeA or CodeB and encode as simple character digit 5 |
1234ABCabc567890 | StartC, pairs 12, 34, thans automatic switch to CodeB, encode ABCabc and again switch to CodeC and encode 56, 78, 90 .... | | StartB and encoded |
A#9b#9C | StartB , encoded B, |
- 2. How can draw barcode on any canvas, form, printer ?
- Use function (located in psBarcodeComp unit)
// paint barcode on the TCanvas
procedure PaintBarCode(C:TCanvas; R:TRect; E:TpsBarcodeComponent);
// paint barcode using device context
procedure PaintBarCodeDC(dc:HDC; R:TRect; E:TpsBarcodeComponent);
// paint barcode using window handle
procedure PaintBarCodeHandle(HWnd:THandle; R:TRect; E:TpsBarcodeComponent);
or (from psBarcode unit)
procedure PaintBarCode(C:TCanvas; R:TRect; E:TpsBarcodeComponent); overload;
procedure PaintBarCode(C:TCanvas; R:TRect; E:TpsBarcode); overload;
procedure PaintBarCodeControl(WinControl:TWinControl; R:TRect;
E:TpsBarcodeComponent); overload;
procedure PaintBarCodeControl(WinControl:TWinControl; R:TRect;
E:TpsBarcode); overload;
procedure PaintBarCodeHandle(HWnd:THandle; R:TRect;
E:TpsBarcodeComponent); overload;
procedure PaintBarCodeHandle(HWnd:THandle; R:TRect;
E:TpsBarcode); overload;
- 3. How export barcode image
- Set psBarcodeComponent.Params.ExportBarcode property, set FileName, Height, Width ...
and then use one from TpsBarcodeComponent methods :
function SaveToFile:Boolean;
function SaveAsBmp:Boolean;
function SaveAsWmf:Boolean;
function SaveAsJpeg:Boolean;
{$ifdef PSOFT_GIF}
function SaveAsGIF:Boolean;
function SaveAsPNG:Boolean;
Note : jpeg, gif, png is depended on your Delphi version ...
If you have TpsBarcode, TpsBarcodeWinControl, TpsDBBarcode (XXX) is same, use TpsXXX.BarcodeComponent : TpsBarcodeComponent;
Eval library.- 1. What is Eval library ?
- Eval library is set of components for runtime evaluation of string. For example you can use this library for creation some calculators etc. In your program code you can have for example variable s:string, and fill this variable using some user interface window. Than set property Expression with some string, and result value is in property Value;
For example s:='2*3+5'; Eval.Expression:=s; and reading property Value gets 11. - 2. How many functions supports Eval library ?
- Eval library supports:
- basic functions (+,-,*,/) :25
- string functions :40
- date functions : 24
- file functions: 18
- numeric : 30
- goniometric : 23
- conversion : 21
- misc. : 5
- financial :11
For details please look Eval library or function list here.
Barcode library.- 1. Supported development environments ?
- Delphi 3 - Delphi 7, Delphi 2005-2007, C++ Builder 5 - 6, Kylix 2,3.
- 2. Supported Barcode symbologies ?
- Ean barcode family (Ean 8, Ean 13, Jan8, Jan 13), without or with 2 or 5 digits add-ons
- 2 of 5 (Industrial, IATA, Datalogic, Matrix, Interleaved-ITF)
- Code 39
- Code93
- Code 128
- PDF417 - 2D barcode - high capacity
- PostNet
- Codabar
- RoyalMail
- Dutch4StatePostal
- Singapore4StatePostalCode
- bcPlanet
- 4State
- Telepen
- PostNet
- ... and some another
- 3. I need information about the FNC1 in EAN 128 in the Barcode for Delphi. How it makes?
- Use command Ean.Barcode:='01234'+#102+'ABC';
#102 is FNC1.
- 4. Whats new in Barcode librray 5.0?
New features :
Added propety QuietZone
New barcode types supported:
- bcRoyalMail
- bcDutch4StatePostal
- bcSingapore4StatePostalCode
- bcPlanet
- bc4State
We work on :
- bcTelepen
- Code16K
- CodablockF
- PostNet