Linear barcodes |
2/5,Interleaved,ITF Code 39 Code 93 Codabar, Codabar Monarch EAN,JAN,ISBN,ISMN,ISSN,ISMN UPC-A, UPC-E, UPC-Shipping Code 128, EAN 128 SCC14, Shipping container code, (EAN/UCC-14,SCC-14) SISAC
Code 11
Pharma code
| Codabar - Code 39 - Code 93
Codabar, Codabar Monarch
Codabar is variable length symbology, allows encoding characters 0123456789-$:/.+ABCD . Codabar is use in libraries, blood banks, parcel business.
Codabar uses chars A,B,C,D only as start or stop characters. First and last characters must be A,B,C or D and message body can't contain these characters.
Discrete, width-modulated barcode.
Code 39 - normal and full ASCII version.
Code 39 is also known as "3 of 9 Code" and "USD-3".
The normal Code39 is a variable length symbology.Can encode max. 44 characters : 0-9, A-Z, -.*$/+%. Code 39 is the most popular symbologyin the non-retail world and is used extensively in manufacturing, military and health applications.
Start and stop characters is represented by asterisk (*). Asterisk is reserved for this purpose, cannot be used in body of message.
Code 39 optionally allows check character (modulo 43), for data security is this important. The health care industry has adopted the use of this check character for health care applications.
Another feature is concanetation of two or more bar codes. This allows break long messages into multiple shorter messages. If the first data character is space, some readers will store the remainder of the symbol in a buffer and not transmit the data. The operation continues for all successive Code39 symbols with a leading space, with each message appended to the previous one.
The FULL ASCII is version of Code39 as a modification of the NORMAL code, can encode the complete 128 ASCII character set.
Code 39 features:
- discrete, variable-length symbology
- self-checking - in that a single print defect cannot transpose one character into another valid character.
Code39 table:
NUL | %U | SP | Space | @ | %V | ` | %W |
SOH | $A | ! | /A | A | A | a | +A |
STX | $B | " | /B | B | B | b | +B |
ETX | $C | # | /C | C | C | c | +C |
EOT | $D | $ | /D | D | D | d | +D |
ENQ | $E | % | /E | E | E | e | +E |
ACK | $F | & | /F | F | F | f | +F |
BEL | $G | ' | /G | G | G | g | +G |
BS | $H | ( | /H | H | H | H | H |
HT | $I | ) | /I | I | I | i | +I |
LF | $J | * | /J | J | J | j | +J |
VT | $K | + | /K | K | K | k | +K |
FF | $L | , | /L | L | L | l | +L |
CR | $M | - | - | M | M | m | +M |
SO | $N | . | . | N | N | n | +N |
SI | $O | / | /O | O | O | o | +O |
DLE | $P | 0 | 0 | P | P | p | +P |
DC1 | $Q | 1 | 1 | Q | Q | q | +Q |
DC2 | $R | 2 | 2 | R | R | r | +R |
DC3 | $S | 3 | 3 | S | S | s | +S |
DC4 | $T | 4 | 4 | T | T | t | +T |
NAK | $U | 5 | 5 | U | U | u | +U |
SYN | $V | 6 | 6 | V | V | v | +V |
ETB | $W | 7 | 7 | W | W | w | +W |
CAN | $X | 8 | 8 | X | X | x | +X |
EM | $Y | 9 | 9 | Y | Y | y | +Y |
SUB | $Z | : | /Z | Z | Z | z | +Z |
ESC | %A | ; | %F | [ | %K | { | %P |
FS | %B | << | %G | \ | %L | | | %Q |
GS | %C | = | %H | ] | %M | } | %R |
RS | %D | > | %I | ^ | %N | ~ | %S |
YS | %E | ? | %J | _ | %O | DEL | %T, %X, %Y, %Z |
Code 93 Full, Reduced.
Code 93 is a more compact version of Code 39.
- Variable length symbology
- Full 128 ASCII set
- Developed as enhacement Code 39 for highter density as Code 39
- Incorporates two check digits - good security
- More robust than Code 39
- Special start/stop characters
- Continuous symbology
- Encodes 49 characters, to full ASCII use combination of two chars
A Code 93 barcode has the following structure:
- Start character
- Any numbers of coded symbol
- "C" and "K" check digits
- Stop character
The Modulus 43 checksum is optional.
Using extended (full ASCII codes) : Code 39 and Code93 use shift symbol. One difference is in this symbols : Code 39 uses $, /, %, and +. Code 93 use ($), (/), (%), and (+). For example small A is in Code39 sequnce "+A", in Code 93 "(+)A". For details please look to Code 39 codetable.
Supported environment |
Borland :
- Delphi Win32
- C++ Builder
- Delphi .NET
Microsoft :
- Visual
- ActiveX
- DLL libraries
Supported report tools |
- Direct print
- Quick report
- ReportBuilder
- Ace Reporter
- Rave report
- Pragnaan report
- Fast report
Another barcode, Delphi sites |